Rescued 22 people who arrived this Sunday in a ‘patera’ to the south of Ibiza

in News, Police

This Sunday, 22 individuals of North African origin made their daring arrival via a ‘patera’ to the southern shore of Ibiza, and found safety thanks to the quick response and efforts of local maritime rescue teams. Healthy individuals began a risky journey with the help of compassionate souls.

Rescued 22 people who arrived this Sunday in a 'patera' to the south of Ibiza

The Encounter and Swift Response

A fishing boat spotted a small boat carrying 22 people and alerted the Maritime Rescue service, leading to their safe rescue. Vigilance in these waters is crucial.

The Unseen Heroes: Maritime Rescue Team

The Maritime Rescue team, upon receiving the distress call, promptly launched a rescue operation. As they worked tirelessly to ensure the safe extraction of every person aboard the ‘patera’ in Ibiza their efforts underscored the strength of human resilience and compassion in the face of adversity.

Status of the Rescued Individuals

Miraculously, despite their precarious journey across the Mediterranean, all the individuals on the ‘patera’ were in apparent good health. These people, hailing from North Africa, were given immediate medical checks by the local health services, ensuring their well-being post-rescue.

Government Reaction and Follow-up

The Government Delegation in the Balearic Islands took notice of this significant event. It emphasizes the issue of illegal sea migration, prompting the need for international collaboration.


The rescue of these 22 people is a powerful reminder of humanity’s enduring spirit and compassion, as individuals from all walks of life unite to assist those in need. The incident in southern Ibiza highlights human resilience in the face of challenges.

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