Ibiza Pronunciation: Demystifying the British “Ibitha”
Discover how to pronounce Ibiza correctly and why British people often say “Ibitha.” Explore the variations in pronunciation across languages and regions.

Understanding the Origin of Ibiza’s Pronunciation
First, it’s important to understand that Ibiza is a Spanish island, and the “z” in Castilian Spanish — Spanish spoken in Spain — is pronounced as a “th” sound. This means that in Spain, people refer to the island as “Ibitha,” even though they spell it as “Ibizia.”
Due to the proximity of Spain and Great Britain, it’s likely that the British people picked up on the Spanish pronunciation of the island’s name and began pronouncing it as “Ibitha” as well.
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Differences in Pronunciation Across Languages
In Spanish, the “th” sound is mainly used for the letter “z” in Spain. In North and South America, Spanish speakers typically pronounce the letter the same way as the letter “s.” For example, a Latin American Spanish speaker would pronounce “taza” as “ta-sa,” while someone from Spain would say it as “ta-tha.”
Similarly, just as someone native to the U.S. would speak English differently than someone born in the U.K., someone born in a Latin American country will speak Spanish differently. This has to do with the fact that languages are constantly evolving, and factors such as distance can cause different accents to develop.
Choosing the Correct Pronunciation
Whether you choose to pronounce Ibiza as “Ibitha” or “Ibizia” depends on your preference and what accent you want to emulate. Most people who live in the Americas use Latin American Spanish pronunciation, which is why you’re more likely to hear “Ibizia” there.
It’s also worth noting that the pronunciation of Ibiza can vary even within Spain itself. In the Balearic Islands, where Ibiza is located, many people pronounce it as “Ibizia,” while others use the Castilian Spanish pronunciation of “Ibitha.”
In conclusion, while there may be differences in the pronunciation of Ibiza across languages and regions, both “Ibizia” and “Ibitha” are valid ways of pronouncing the island’s name. So whether you’re visiting Ibiza or simply curious about its pronunciation, now you know the different options available to you.
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